BPS Vision and Strategy

In 2019, Billerica Public Schools had just undergone the "Billerica 2019" transition, which involved the opening of the new high school, the closing of the Vining School, the redistricting of elementary and middle schools, and a change in the district's grade configuration. The district is now looking into the future, asking the questions:

What is our vision for education for students in Billerica for 2020 and beyond?

In order to support students for their futures, what goals do we need to set, and how do we get there?

Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, the district worked with PBS staff, students, families and community members to develop a set of strategy themes and strategic priorities. Using these questions to guide that work, the district held multiple community visioning sessions to gather input from the community, and established working groups to use the information from the visioning sessions in developing BPS Strategy Themes and Strategic Priorities.

Since then district has built the District Strategy Plan, based on the themes and priorities and approved by the School Committee on October 25, 2022. This plan will guide the work of the district, schools, and staff as goals are crafted to align with the district's priorities.

Community Hands

Community Vision Forums

Virtual forums were held for anyone in the Billerica community to participate and give voice to the district's vision and strategy planning. Four forums were held during the 21-22 school year, and the information from these forums was used to develop the strategy themes and strategic priorities.

Google Forms Icon

Working Groups

Throughout spring 2022, Four working groups in the following areas developed the district's strategy themes and strategic priorities.

  • Curriculum and Instruction

  • School Climate

  • Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • Facilities and Budget

Steering Committee Members

David Adams, Teacher, BMHS

Kylie Cadet, Student

Alicia Corrigan, Parent

Danielle DeCesaro, Parent

Julie Doherty, Parent

Mark Efstratiou, School Committee Chair

Matt Flood, Assistant Principal, BMHS

Amit Gandhi, Parent

Jill Geiser, Assistant Superintendent

Christine Gibelli, Principal, Parker ES

Robin Hulsoor, Director of Finance and Operations

Brittany Marshall, Assistant Principal, Marshall MS

Tim Piwowar, Superintendent

James Sforza, K-7 STEM Curriculum Coordinator

Kevin Sharkey, School Counselor, Locke MS

Saish Yennampelli, Student