Special Education
Special Education Department Information
Office Location:
Billerica Memorial High School - 35 River Street, Billerica, MA 01821
978.528.8591 - Phone
978.436.9412 - Fax
Welcome to Billerica's Special Education Department. The Billerica Public Schools provide services for students from ages 3 to 22 with special needs in accordance with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and state (603 CMR 28.00) regulations.
Billerica Public Schools provides a continuum of special education services for students based on individual needs and Team recommendations. The Team, which includes parents/guardians, is responsible for developing an IEP that provides students with services and supports reasonably calculated to enable the student to progress from grade to grade. In order to provide the highest quality education and set high expectations for all students, input from staff, parents, and students over the age of 14 is considered in developing programming.
These services may include, but are not limited to, specially designed instruction for reading, writing, and math, and/or related services such as speech/language, occupational therapy, behavior, counseling, social skills, and physical therapy. Students are provided their services in a range of placement options, but we always begin with our obligation to place students in the least restrictive environment. Depending on the extent of a student’s services, they may be placed in settings that range from full inclusion to school based sub-separate classrooms to out of district placements.
Before, during and after the IEP process, we welcome questions from families and staff. Often parents/guardians have questions regarding:
The evaluation process
Eligibility for special education
IEP development
Types of Services
Team process
Programming options
Students that are already receiving special education services are assigned a District Contact Person (DCP) that is identified on the student’s IEP. The contact person is always happy to address parent questions or direct you to the appropriate person to help you. For parents wanting to learn more about the special education process, you should feel free to contact the Team Chairperson assigned to your child’s school or contact the special education office.
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
The BillericaPAC for Special Education is a parent-led council that offers support and information for families of special needs
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/BillericaPAC
PAC email address: billericapac@gmail.com
Special Education Department Contacts
Robert Bergeron - Director - rbergeron@billericak12.com
978.528.8591 - Phone
Philippa Lang - Assistant Director - plang@billericak12.com
978.528.8591 - Phone
Department Support Staff
Jennifer Elderkin - Department Secretary - 978.528.8591
Joyce Haywood - Records Secretary - 978.528.8594
Carol Shaughnessey - Trans/Fin Secretary - 978.528.8593
Out-of-District Staff
BethAnne Frechette - OOD Coordinator - 978.528.7937