Dutile Elementary School

Main: 978-528-8530

Attendance: 978-528-8530 | Nurse: 978-528-8540

Dutile Elementary Links & Calendar

Early Morning Childcare Enrollment Information 2024/25 School Year

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The program will be canceled if the minimum number of students required to run the EMC Program at your school is NOT met.

Early Morning Care (EMC) Program registration will be available in late July/early August. Registration must be completed through Community Pass.

As prior participants know, Community Pass is an online registration system implemented within the Billerica School District for “fee-based programs” such as Athletics, Project Support Tuition, Early Morning Care, and more. Additionally, this program allows families to not only register for student activities but also manage all their student activities on one system and make online payments for these activities/programs.

To be notified when registration in Community Pass opens AND to hold a spot for your student(s), please complete the EMC signup sheet which can be found via the following link (you can also find this document, with the link to the form, on the "Registration Page" of the Billerica Public Schools website www.billericak12.com):


The completion of this Google form ONLY HOLDS a spot in the program for your child/children. Enrollment and payment will need to be completed within your Community Pass account when registration opens.

If you do not have a Community Pass account, a welcome letter will be sent to you in late July/early August along with instructions on how to verify/set up your account. After your Community Pass account has been verified/set up, you will be able to register and pay for Early Morning Care.

If you have any questions, please email the Early Morning Care Coordinator in your respective school.


Dutile Elementary School

10 Biagiotti Way

Billerica, MA 01862

978.528.8530 - Main Office

978.528.8539 - Main Fax


Scott Middlemiss


978.528.8530 - Absence Line

978.671.0900 - School Resource Officer 

(Tara Connors)

978.528.8540 - School Nurse

978.528.2680 - Special Education Team Chair

978.528.8531 - School Psychologist

978.528.8533 - Social Worker

978.528.8545 - Food & Nutrition